Advertisement for Bids
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of Leake County, Mississippi will receive
written sealed bids and/or electronic bids at its office in the Leake County Courthouse at the City
of Carthage, Leake County, Mississippi, until 10:00 o’clock A.M., Wednesday, November 13, 2024 for
the furnishing of the Leake County Central Purchasing Department with the following items for the
period January 7, 2025 through January 5, 2026 to-wit:
1. Gravel
2. Aggregate.
3. Liquid Asphalt
4. Hotmix
5. Coldmix
6. Plastic Culverts
7. Metal Culverts
8. Clay Gravel and Sand
9. Steel Slag
10. Asphalt Milling
11. RoadSide Spraying
12. High Intensity Road Signs
13. Metal Flared End Sections
Specifications and details of each item are available on BID FORMS, which are on file in the office
of the Purchase Clerk. Bids should be submitted on these forms, which are available to any
prospective bidder, at no charge, by contacting Belinda M. Atkinson, Leake County Central
Purchasing Department, telephone no. 601-267-8002, or by writing P. 0.
Drawer 595, Carthage, MS 39051, or in person at the office of the Central Purchasing Department in
Leake County Courthouse.
Vendors may also go to the following link for bid forms and place bids:
The Board reserves the right to make purchases from any vendor in accordance with Section 31-7-13,
Mississippi Code of 1972, as amended, regardless of the bids received and accepted pursuant to this
Order, provided a price lower than that of the successful bidder can be obtained; and the Board
reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Published by Order of the Board dated the 24th day of September, 2024.
(Publish 2 times – October 3 and 10, 2024)
[Bill – Road and Bridge]
Dot Merchant CLERK,
Board of Supervisors
Leake County, Mississippi