Purchasing (9)
Send a completed W-9 form along with company information about what goods or services you provide to our mailing address or by emailing BAtkinson@co.leake.ms.us
Register for notice of bids at the MS State Contract Procurement Center. Visit http://www.mscpc.com for complete information. Bids are also posted in the https://bidnowsolutions and on our website or by contacting Belinda M. Atkinson, Purchase Clerk by email BAtkinson@co.leake.ms.us or via phone at 601-267-8002.
Purchase orders and invoices are processed as they are received and once all goods and services are verified, invoices are sent to accounting.
Invoices are paid generally once per month on the 1st Monday of each month, unless special circumstances exist.
- up to $5000.00 – Open Market, no quotes or bids required;
- $5000.00 – $50,000.00 – requires a minimum of two written competitive quotes
- over $50,000.00 – requires public advertising for sealed bids or proposals thru a reverse auction process;
Note: Construction is exempt from the reverse auctions and will be done with sealed bids either by paper or electronic.
Section 31-7-13 governs county purchasing.
The courthouse is located at:
Court Square
Main Street
Carthage MS 39051
Phone: 601-267-8357
Fax: 601-267-8889
Specifically, the purchasing agent is authorized by law to issue a purchase order to obligate funds.
Begin with the Accounts Payable Department at (601) 267-8002. If we can’t help, we’ll find the right person to connect you with.
You can visit the various departments and leave information and of course visit the purchasing department in person or call 601-267-8002 or email BAtkinson@co.leake.ms.us All sales people are welcome.