ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS – Soil Cement and Paving, Pine Grove Road Project No. 65-24
Separate sealed Bids will be received by the Leake County Board of Supervisors, for Soil
Cement and Paving on Pine Grove Road, Project No. 65-24, Leake County, Mississippi,
until 9:00 A.M., Local Time, on 24 October, 2024, at Leake County Courthouse
Supervisors Board Room 101 Court Square Carthage, MS 39051, at which time and place
bids will be opened and read aloud. The bids will then be held under advisement until the
next Board meeting.
The Notice and Instruction to Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Plans and
Specifications, Form of Bid Bond, Performance and Payment Bond, and other Contract
Documents are on file and open to public inspection at the following addresses:
Gardner Engineering, P.A., 111 South Madison Street, Kosciusko. MS 39090
Leake County Courthouse 101 Court Square Carthage, MS 39051
Copies may be obtained from the office of Gardner Engineering, P.A., at the following
location upon payment of $100.00 none of which is refundable.
Gardner Engineering, P.A.
P. 0. Box 1197
111 South Madison Street
Kosciusko, MS 39090
Telephone 662-290-0708
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS – Soil Cement and Paving, Pine Grove Road Project No. 65-24 Read More »